The 10-Step Shopify Launch Checklist - Set Your Store Up for Success

Jerrel Reigada
December 21, 2022
Launching a Shopify store isn’t exactly straightforward.And because of that, it's easy to miss important steps during the process. And if it’s your first launch, you're even more likely to skip a small-but-important task without knowing it.The best way to avoid a flopped launch is to organize the prepwork beforehand.In this post, you'll gain access to a 10-step checklist that helps you start your store at a sprint.

The 10-Step Shopify Launch Checklist - Set Your Store Up for Success

Jerrel Reigada
December 21, 2022
Launching a Shopify store isn’t exactly straightforward.And because of that, it's easy to miss important steps during the process. And if it’s your first launch, you're even more likely to skip a small-but-important task without knowing it.The best way to avoid a flopped launch is to organize the prepwork beforehand.In this post, you'll gain access to a 10-step checklist that helps you start your store at a sprint.
Why do You Need a Shopify Launch Checklist?
Any profitable business starts with a strong plan; launching your own Shopify store is no different.A store with no pre-planning is starting a race on the back foot from day one.When it comes to an eCommerce launch, your brand should be operating like a well-oiled machine before the (virtual) front doors even open.In other words: A successful eCommerce brand doesn't wait for launch day to create the grand plan.Instead, we'll set your store up for a running start so you can get into the green as early as possible.
Why do You Need a Shopify Launch Checklist?
Any profitable business starts with a strong plan; launching your own Shopify store is no different.A store with no pre-planning is starting a race on the back foot from day one.When it comes to an eCommerce launch, your brand should be operating like a well-oiled machine before the (virtual) front doors even open.In other words: A successful eCommerce brand doesn't wait for launch day to create the grand plan.Instead, we'll set your store up for a running start so you can get into the green as early as possible.
The 10-Step Checklist for a Successful Shopify Launch
The 10-Step Checklist for a Successful Shopify Launch

Step #1. Create a Custom Branded Domain
Before you launch the store, you’ll need a domain.While it's important not to waste too much time on your domain name, a good one can make your job a lot easier. Here are a few of the ideal qualities for an eCommerce domain:
  • Easy to Spell
A hard to spell or unintuitive name can be hard to find on search engines, which will likely reduce organic traffic.
  • Easy to Remember
The easier your domain is to remember, the simpler it will be for customers to give referrals and/or repeat business.
  • Simple to Share by Word-of-Mouth
Think to the success of massive companies like Facebook, Amazon, or Dollar Shave Club. Part of that success is due to how easy it is to remember, recommend, and talk about the brands in everyday conversations.If you have trouble brainstorming a name, Shopify has a handy domain recommendation tool you can check out hereto learn more about shopify.
Step #1. Create a Custom Branded Domain
Before you launch the store, you’ll need a domain.While it's important not to waste too much time on your domain name, a good one can make your job a lot easier. Here are a few of the ideal qualities for an eCommerce domain:
  • Easy to Spell
A hard to spell or unintuitive name can be hard to find on search engines, which will likely reduce organic traffic.
  • Easy to Remember
The easier your domain is to remember, the simpler it will be for customers to give referrals and/or repeat business.
  • Simple to Share by Word-of-Mouth
Think to the success of massive companies like Facebook, Amazon, or Dollar Shave Club. Part of that success is due to how easy it is to remember, recommend, and talk about the brands in everyday conversations.If you have trouble brainstorming a name, Shopify has a handy domain recommendation tool you can check out hereto learn more about shopify.
Step #2. Design your “Trust pages”
It takes a tenth of a second for a visitor to form their impression of your site. In that tenth of a second, consumers are looking for a few key “trust signs.”Those signs include how polished/clean your site looks, trust badges, easy access to customer support, and a helpdesk.They’re also looking for reasons not to trust your store. Misleading deals or promotions, unprofessional design features, and a lack of customer support can all make a huge mark on the way a visitor sees your brand.To avoid losing customers before they even consider buying, ensure your “trust pages” are in order.Trust pages are where visitors will default towards when they’re deciding whether or not to trust your brand and purchase. Here are a few of the critical pages to get right:
  • About Us Page
  • Home Page/Landing Pages
  • Checkout Pages
  • Customer Support Portal
The first impression that visitors get on these pages is critical. A well-polished site will help establish brand credibility; while pages that come across as amateur can shatter consumer trust before it ever had a chance to grow.
Step #2. Design your “Trust pages”
It takes a tenth of a second for a visitor to form their impression of your site. In that tenth of a second, consumers are looking for a few key “trust signs.”Those signs include how polished/clean your site looks, trust badges, easy access to customer support, and a helpdesk.They’re also looking for reasons not to trust your store. Misleading deals or promotions, unprofessional design features, and a lack of customer support can all make a huge mark on the way a visitor sees your brand.To avoid losing customers before they even consider buying, ensure your “trust pages” are in order.Trust pages are where visitors will default towards when they’re deciding whether or not to trust your brand and purchase. Here are a few of the critical pages to get right:
  • About Us Page
  • Home Page/Landing Pages
  • Checkout Pages
  • Customer Support Portal
The first impression that visitors get on these pages is critical. A well-polished site will help establish brand credibility; while pages that come across as amateur can shatter consumer trust before it ever had a chance to grow.
Step #3. Build Multiple Customer Support Channels
Customer support is one of the pillars that separate good brands from the great ones. A standard email ticket-based system just doesn't cut it anymore.If your store doesn’t have ample support for customers in need, expect low retention rates across the board.In addition, it’s important to offer multiple options, as different customers have different preferences and availability.We recommend that you offer some sort of instant support, like live chats, helpdesks, and FAQs. it's also important to offer email-based support for more involved support cases. More support channels means that more customers can reach the team at their own availability.Another benefit to a developed helpdesk is that it can help solve customer problems before they need to contact a rep, which reduces your inbound tickets.For reference on a great customer section, check out Chewy's website.
Step #3. Build Multiple Customer Support Channels
Customer support is one of the pillars that separate good brands from the great ones. A standard email ticket-based system just doesn't cut it anymore.If your store doesn’t have ample support for customers in need, expect low retention rates across the board.In addition, it’s important to offer multiple options, as different customers have different preferences and availability.We recommend that you offer some sort of instant support, like live chats, helpdesks, and FAQs. it's also important to offer email-based support for more involved support cases. More support channels means that more customers can reach the team at their own availability.Another benefit to a developed helpdesk is that it can help solve customer problems before they need to contact a rep, which reduces your inbound tickets.For reference on a great customer section, check out Chewy's website.
Alongside a 24/7 phone line, there's also the option to email, speak over live chat, or browse the helpdesk section for solutions.
Alongside a 24/7 phone line, there's also the option to email, speak over live chat, or browse the helpdesk section for solutions.
Step #4. Streamline Your Checkout Process
Step #4. Streamline Your Checkout Process
One of the most effective ways you can increase conversions is to reduce the number of clicks it takes to buy.Think of each step between the customer and the sale as a filter. No matter how small the step is, you’ll lose some amount of potential sales from it. By reducing friction during the checkout process, you’re minimizing the work anyone has to do to make a purchase. Not sure how to streamline the checkout process? Here are a few quick tips:
  • Integrate Smart Autofill Features
It may be necessary, but no one enjoys entering their shipping information; this is especially true for mobile users.To reduce lost sales during the shipping step, implement an autofill feature that can help to fill in the address details during checkout.
  • Add a “Remember Me” Option to Encourage Customer Accounts
Customer accounts help to reduce checkout friction and encourage repeat business. One of the most effective ways you can nudge visitors to make an account is with a “remember me” option during checkout. (bonus points if you offer a small discount as a reward!)
  • Offer “Smart-Reorder” Features to Your Store
For CPG products and items that customers may return frequently to buy, consider adding an option for customers to set up recurring orders on autopilot.Subscription-based & smart-reorder sales help to reduce sales friction by nearly 100%, since customers don’t need to manually make repeat purchases.
One of the most effective ways you can increase conversions is to reduce the number of clicks it takes to buy.Think of each step between the customer and the sale as a filter. No matter how small the step is, you’ll lose some amount of potential sales from it. By reducing friction during the checkout process, you’re minimizing the work anyone has to do to make a purchase. Not sure how to streamline the checkout process? Here are a few quick tips:
  • Integrate Smart Autofill Features
It may be necessary, but no one enjoys entering their shipping information; this is especially true for mobile users.To reduce lost sales during the shipping step, implement an autofill feature that can help to fill in the address details during checkout.
  • Add a “Remember Me” Option to Encourage Customer Accounts
Customer accounts help to reduce checkout friction and encourage repeat business. One of the most effective ways you can nudge visitors to make an account is with a “remember me” option during checkout. (bonus points if you offer a small discount as a reward!)
  • Offer “Smart-Reorder” Features to Your Store
For CPG products and items that customers may return frequently to buy, consider adding an option for customers to set up recurring orders on autopilot.Subscription-based & smart-reorder sales help to reduce sales friction by nearly 100%, since customers don’t need to manually make repeat purchases.
Step #5. Test & Review Your UX
The first draft of any store is sure have weak points.To build a store that keeps shoppers engaged, you’ll need to test and review the UX to reduce those weak points before the launch. There are a few ways you can test your store, from freelancers and usability testers to self-testing.Outsourcing the process means you can hire dedicated UX testing experts, often with video documentation, but there's certainly more upfront cost.If you're interested in a UX testing service, here are a few to check out:Upwork isn’t solely a UX testing service, but there are plenty of affordable freelancers on the platform that specialize in usability tests and feedback.User testing is one of the most popular go-to sites for usability testers. If it’s within your budget, there are plenty of packages to try out; there’s even a free trial.Userlytics is another usability testing service with a focus on breaking down exactly why certain areas should be improved. It’s another great choice if you’re in the market.If you don’t intend to outsource the process or it isn’t within the budget, it’s still possible to test your own website.Before launching the final version, though, we recommend getting outside opinions from friends or family, as it can be hard to accurately judge how intuitive your own designs are from an outside perspective.
Step #5. Test & Review Your UX
The first draft of any store is sure have weak points.To build a store that keeps shoppers engaged, you’ll need to test and review the UX to reduce those weak points before the launch. There are a few ways you can test your store, from freelancers and usability testers to self-testing.Outsourcing the process means you can hire dedicated UX testing experts, often with video documentation, but there's certainly more upfront cost.If you're interested in a UX testing service, here are a few to check out:Upwork isn’t solely a UX testing service, but there are plenty of affordable freelancers on the platform that specialize in usability tests and feedback.User testing is one of the most popular go-to sites for usability testers. If it’s within your budget, there are plenty of packages to try out; there’s even a free trial.Userlytics is another usability testing service with a focus on breaking down exactly why certain areas should be improved. It’s another great choice if you’re in the market.If you don’t intend to outsource the process or it isn’t within the budget, it’s still possible to test your own website.Before launching the final version, though, we recommend getting outside opinions from friends or family, as it can be hard to accurately judge how intuitive your own designs are from an outside perspective.
Step #6. Develop Your Marketing Roadmap
Marketing doesn’t start once your store launches, not effective marketing, at least.A strong marketing plan comes into action far before launch day.Why?The most successful eCommerce stores already have an audience waiting to buy by the time they launchTo get the most out of launch day, it’s important to hit the ground running. Your marketing roadmap should include a few things:
  • Tactics to build your pre-launch audience
  • A post-launch marketing plan to continue that momentum
Building an audience for your brand that’s ready to buy on day one sounds great on paper, but it's easier said than done.. Long-form blogging and content marketing is one great way to build a following. Posting on social media and taking advantage of current trends can help to build it too.Another effective way to build an audience is through a pre-launch referral marketing campaign.For instance, create a membership program for early birds, create referral rewards, and/or allow them to pre-order your products.Once you have an audience that's already ready to buy, you're primed for a fruitful day one.And that's where your post-launch marketing plan comes into play.Decide which marketing channels you’ll invest resources into. Will you focus on ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Google? Or is long-form content marketing a better fit for your brand? The only way to get accurate answers to those is through structured testing. Conduct A/B tests on a regular basis to continue optimizing your campaigns.And if you’ve got all of your pre-launch marketing ducks in a row, it’s time to check off the next box on this list: Email marketing.
Step #6. Develop Your Marketing Roadmap
Marketing doesn’t start once your store launches, not effective marketing, at least.A strong marketing plan comes into action far before launch day.Why?The most successful eCommerce stores already have an audience waiting to buy by the time they launchTo get the most out of launch day, it’s important to hit the ground running. Your marketing roadmap should include a few things:
  • Tactics to build your pre-launch audience
  • A post-launch marketing plan to continue that momentum
Building an audience for your brand that’s ready to buy on day one sounds great on paper, but it's easier said than done.. Long-form blogging and content marketing is one great way to build a following. Posting on social media and taking advantage of current trends can help to build it too.Another effective way to build an audience is through a pre-launch referral marketing campaign.For instance, create a membership program for early birds, create referral rewards, and/or allow them to pre-order your products.Once you have an audience that's already ready to buy, you're primed for a fruitful day one.And that's where your post-launch marketing plan comes into play.Decide which marketing channels you’ll invest resources into. Will you focus on ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Google? Or is long-form content marketing a better fit for your brand? The only way to get accurate answers to those is through structured testing. Conduct A/B tests on a regular basis to continue optimizing your campaigns.And if you’ve got all of your pre-launch marketing ducks in a row, it’s time to check off the next box on this list: Email marketing.
Step #7. Review Your Email Marketing Strategy
You don't need a massive email marketing operation developed to get started. What’s important at this stage are the essentials.Before you launch your store, here are a few critical email flows to create:
  • Abandoned Cart Emails
Abandoned eCommerce sales cause $18 billion in lost revenue each year. If you want to avoid leaking cash, make sure you’ve got an abandoned cart flow in place to catch some of those lost sales.The same goes for churned customers as well. Here's a free-trial offer that Scribd uses to attract lost customers back into the fold:
Step #7. Review Your Email Marketing Strategy
You don't need a massive email marketing operation developed to get started. What’s important at this stage are the essentials.Before you launch your store, here are a few critical email flows to create:
  • Abandoned Cart Emails
Abandoned eCommerce sales cause $18 billion in lost revenue each year. If you want to avoid leaking cash, make sure you’ve got an abandoned cart flow in place to catch some of those lost sales.The same goes for churned customers as well. Here's a free-trial offer that Scribd uses to attract lost customers back into the fold:
  • Thank You/Confirmation emails
Thank you and order confirmation emails are a great way to show appreciation and avoid customer confusion after the sale.
  • Welcome Emails
Gratitude through welcome emails can help to build brand loyalty with newly signed-up customers.
  • Thank You/Confirmation emails
Thank you and order confirmation emails are a great way to show appreciation and avoid customer confusion after the sale.
  • Welcome Emails
Gratitude through welcome emails can help to build brand loyalty with newly signed-up customers.
Step #8. Cut Down on Unnecessary Apps
The difference between a page that takes 1 second to load and a page that takes 10 seconds to load is a whopping 123% increase in the chance that visitors to bounce.Which is to say, the speed of your store is a critical part of its success.And unfortunately, one of the biggest contributors to slow page speeds on Shopify is overuse of apps.Apps can be gamechangers for ecommerce stores, but they can also be the cause of sitewide performance issues.Before you launch your store, ensure that the only apps installed are essential ones; it’s probably a good idea to cut down on any apps that aren’t a necessity - the cost in page speed just isn’t worth it.How to Test Your Page SpeedLuckily, it’s not too hard to test whether your site loads fast enough. All you’ll need to do is plug it into Google’s Page Speed Test, if there are areas for improvement, the tool will even give you suggestions on how to fix the problems.Another option to increase your site speed? Consider a custom theme or switching your store to headless-based architecture with a tool like Nyla.
Step #8. Cut Down on Unnecessary Apps
The difference between a page that takes 1 second to load and a page that takes 10 seconds to load is a whopping 123% increase in the chance that visitors to bounce.Which is to say, the speed of your store is a critical part of its success.And unfortunately, one of the biggest contributors to slow page speeds on Shopify is overuse of apps.Apps can be gamechangers for ecommerce stores, but they can also be the cause of sitewide performance issues.Before you launch your store, ensure that the only apps installed are essential ones; it’s probably a good idea to cut down on any apps that aren’t a necessity - the cost in page speed just isn’t worth it.How to Test Your Page SpeedLuckily, it’s not too hard to test whether your site loads fast enough. All you’ll need to do is plug it into Google’s Page Speed Test, if there are areas for improvement, the tool will even give you suggestions on how to fix the problems.Another option to increase your site speed? Consider a custom theme or switching your store to headless-based architecture with a tool like Nyla.
Step #9. Install an Analytics Tool(s)
If you want to create a scalable ecommerce store, you’ll need to know what’s going on behind the scenes at all times.While Shopify’s standard analytics tools certainly help, we recommend that you install a few extra tools to get all the data you can.Not sure which ones to install? Here are a few of the best:
Step #9. Install an Analytics Tool(s)
If you want to create a scalable ecommerce store, you’ll need to know what’s going on behind the scenes at all times.While Shopify’s standard analytics tools certainly help, we recommend that you install a few extra tools to get all the data you can.Not sure which ones to install? Here are a few of the best:
Step #10. Review Your SEO
One of the last steps is to make sure your store is SEO-friendly.Here are a few things to look out for:
  • H1s
Each page should have just one H1 tag. The H1 should include the main keyword phrase where possible and avoid any keyword stuffing.
  • Meta descriptions
Meta descriptions help search engine users (and search engines) get a preview of a page’s content. While Google will autofill them, it’s better to manually enter them where possible.
  • Alt-texts
Alt texts help describe images when they fail to load or for visually impaired visitors. Make sure each onsite image has a descriptive alt-text before you launch.
  • Keyword Cannibalization
Keyword cannibalization happens when two of a site’s pages compete for the same keyword. In these cases, only one page will show on Google, which is often a waste of resources and effort. Try to ensure that each of your store’s pages ranks for separate primary keywords rather than competing for a small few.
Step #10. Review Your SEO
One of the last steps is to make sure your store is SEO-friendly.Here are a few things to look out for:
  • H1s
Each page should have just one H1 tag. The H1 should include the main keyword phrase where possible and avoid any keyword stuffing.
  • Meta descriptions
Meta descriptions help search engine users (and search engines) get a preview of a page’s content. While Google will autofill them, it’s better to manually enter them where possible.
  • Alt-texts
Alt texts help describe images when they fail to load or for visually impaired visitors. Make sure each onsite image has a descriptive alt-text before you launch.
  • Keyword Cannibalization
Keyword cannibalization happens when two of a site’s pages compete for the same keyword. In these cases, only one page will show on Google, which is often a waste of resources and effort. Try to ensure that each of your store’s pages ranks for separate primary keywords rather than competing for a small few.
Wrapping Up
There's tons to do when you're launching a Shopify store. It's not hard to see why it can be overwhelming.But using the list here, you'll have many of the bases for a strong launch covered and then some.If you found it helpful, make sure to check out more insights from the Nyla blog.
Wrapping Up
There's tons to do when you're launching a Shopify store. It's not hard to see why it can be overwhelming.But using the list here, you'll have many of the bases for a strong launch covered and then some.If you found it helpful, make sure to check out more insights from the Nyla blog.

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Upgrade to the Nyla platform

Blazing-fast performance
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Best-in-class ecommerce features with white-glove support